Rowing - Man Rowing Boat under Monument to Alfonso XII in Madrid, Spain
Image by Mikkel Kvist on

Rowing is a demanding sport that requires a unique combination of strength, power, and endurance. To excel in rowing, athletes must have a strong foundation of physical fitness, including explosive power and speed. Plyometric exercises are a valuable tool for rowers looking to improve their performance on the water. By incorporating plyometric exercises into their training routine, rowers can enhance their power output, improve their explosiveness, and ultimately, become more efficient and faster rowers. In this article, we will explore some of the best plyometric exercises specifically tailored to benefit rowers.

**Box Jumps**

Box jumps are a classic plyometric exercise that can help rowers develop explosive power in their lower body. To perform a box jump, start by standing in front of a sturdy box or platform. Bend your knees and swing your arms back before exploding upwards and landing on top of the box with both feet. Focus on landing softly and quietly to minimize impact on your joints. Box jumps are excellent for building strength in the legs, enhancing vertical jump height, and improving overall power output.

**Depth Jumps**

Depth jumps are another effective plyometric exercise for rowers looking to increase their explosive power. To perform a depth jump, stand on a box or platform that is around knee height. Step off the box and the moment your feet touch the ground, explode upwards into a jump. Depth jumps help rowers develop the ability to generate power quickly, which is crucial for propelling the boat forward with each stroke. Incorporating depth jumps into your training routine can lead to improvements in speed and acceleration on the water.

**Medicine Ball Throws**

Medicine ball throws are a dynamic plyometric exercise that engages the entire body, making it an excellent choice for rowers looking to improve their functional power. To perform a medicine ball throw, start by holding a medicine ball at chest height. Explosively push the ball away from your body, using your legs, hips, and core to generate power. Catch the ball on the rebound and repeat the movement for several reps. Medicine ball throws help rowers develop explosive power in the upper body, which is essential for strong and efficient rowing strokes.


Bounding is a plyometric exercise that mimics the explosive movements required in rowing, making it a valuable addition to a rower’s training routine. To perform bounding, start by taking long, exaggerated strides while focusing on pushing off the ground with power and speed. Bounding helps improve leg strength, coordination, and the ability to generate power quickly, all of which are essential for rowers to perform at their best. Incorporate bounding into your training regimen to enhance your explosiveness and speed on the water.

**Squat Jumps**

Squat jumps are a fundamental plyometric exercise that targets the lower body muscles used in rowing, such as the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. To perform a squat jump, start in a squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Explosively jump upwards, extending your legs fully before landing back in a squat position. Squat jumps are excellent for building lower body strength, improving jump height, and enhancing power output, all of which are beneficial for rowers looking to boost their performance on the water.


In conclusion, plyometric exercises are a valuable training tool for rowers aiming to enhance their explosive power, speed, and overall performance on the water. By incorporating plyometric exercises such as box jumps, depth jumps, medicine ball throws, bounding, and squat jumps into their training routine, rowers can build the strength and power necessary to excel in this demanding sport. Consistent and proper practice of these plyometric exercises can lead to significant improvements in power output, acceleration, and efficiency in rowing strokes, ultimately helping rowers reach their full potential on the water.

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